Monday, February 11, 2008

wii're bummed out.

I've had a little cold for a few days. Sore throat, runny nose, achiness. You know the drill. Of course, all of you mamas out there know that a cold isn't a valid excuse for doing nothing, so Friday and Saturday were pretty typical days around here...with a hefty portion of Saturday dedicated to errands and packing up the house for the big move. I was spent on Sunday, and M was nice enough to let me spend most of the day in bed. I'm feeling much better today, but I'm trying to take it easy for the next couple of days in an attempt to let this thing run its course. Good luck, right?

Anyway, some updates...

1. M taught S to say apple yesterday. It's completely hysterical. The puts major emphasis on the "aaaaaa", then there is a little "puhl" that she basically spits out at the end. It's the best.

2. We've eliminated nursing before naps. I went ahead and did both naps last week as I wanted to eliminate confusion ("why did I get mama-milk before my morning nap, but not now?"). It's worked pretty well. We're down to before bed and when she wakes up, and I'm suddenly realizing that nursing really is almost over for me and the munchkin. I'm kind of sad. Liberated, but sad.

3. Despite my cold, I hauled myself out of bed yesterday morning to go to Toys R Us as they were getting Wiis in. As I drove into the parking lot around 9:15 (they were opening at 10), I saw about 100 adults packed like sardines into the vestibule at the front of the store. I turned around and went to Starbucks instead. Then I went home and went back to bed. I've made it a point over the last month to ask every single store that I'm in if they have any in stock. No luck so far, but we're dying to get one. How am I supposed to host "Wii're for Obama" parties without a Wii?

4. Speaking of Obama, it's becoming a mild obsession around here. I keep catching M watching CNN to check out the latest on the campaign, and I'm online pretty much all the time. I actually think I'll try to attend a little Lexington for Obama event this Sunday. I swear I'll write a great post soon to convince all of you to vote for Obama. Just as soon as I get the time...

5. The latest green news around here is pretty exciting, too. We're actually getting ready to make one of our biggest green investments to date (the Hybrid being the largest, clearly). We're going to sell our gas-powered mower and trimmer and get an electric one. We're going to be taking the grass out of our front yard at the new house and planting a native ground cover that won't have to be mowed, and our new backyard is smaller than our yard here, and since I'm planning to make a larger portion of the lawn into my garden, the electric set-up will definitely be able to handle the job. Plus, we won't have to worry about storing gas and oil for the machines, either, which makes us very happy. You can jump on the bandwagon over here.

That's about it around here. I just heard the dryer do off, which means shirts need to be hung up, which also means, "M, you have clean shirts now."

I'm out, peeps. Happy Monday-ing.


Anonymous said...

Thought you might like this.

Angie said...

Aaaaah, beat you to it VA! Sent that to her last week. I've become a little obsessed with that video. :)

mo wask said...

about #5. we have one of these (see link below) and have used it as our primary mode of trimming the lawn at a couple of our houses with smaller yards. great for getting a workout and cutting the grass with almost no noise (total plus!)

die Frau said...

Can you get a Wii online somewhere, avoid the crowds? And three cheers to you for your green efforts!