For the record, we'll be giving up our second home for Lent. Not really. We're not giving it up until the end of Lent, but that's all I've got. I'm already trying to eliminate everything frivolous from our lives for the environment and our health. There isn't much left to cut out. So, I'm giving up a house for Jesus. Surely that's enough. (How blasphemous is this post? I'm probably going straight to H-E-double hockey sticks for being sarcastic about Lent.)
Okay, I'm off to do something productive. Like continue my internet search for the perfect Barack Obama tee shirt. There are some great ones out there like "Barack, Paper, Scissors," "Barack the Vote," or "Have you had your Barack-oli today?", but I haven't found the one that screams, "OUISER!" just yet. And I can't find the really good "My Mama's for Obama" onesie that I found months ago. I'll just have to keep looking. This one may have to do.

No worries - I picture God with a wicked sense of humor!
As an aside-heard on NPR about Clorox coming out with a "green" cleaing line called Greenworks. Envirofriendly?
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