Thursday, November 02, 2006

Happy Birthday, K-Fed

I am breathing a huge sigh of relief. FedEx got the present here on time, and the ice cream cake is ready to roll. It's going to be another exciting birthday in the P household. Fajitas, ice cream cake, and a football game. I told you we don't need a doctor to tell us we're boring.

Happy Birthday to my love...


feather nester said...

Tell Kevin happy birthday and to pull up his pants. I got home too late from work to call. Also tell Kev that he's old. And I hope he eats the whole ice cream cake. Kisses!

die Frau said...

Yes, I thought about KFed aka your DH all day and then I forgot to call! Hope it was a great day and it was very happ-y (a la Beta House Speak).