Saturday, November 04, 2006

The bird dog

The retriever in Otis reared his ugly head again last night. We let him out for a few minutes and he came back inside with a "prize." Lucky for us (if you can call it lucky), the only part he brought into the house was a beak. It was totally gross. We searched the yard last night by flashlight, and I scoured every inch of the frost-covered ground this morning in search of anything left. I didn't find anything, so I am making myself feel better by telling myself that one of the neighbor-dogs flung the beak (only) over the fence and Otis did not eat an entire bird. Oh, well...we're getting used to it.

I've spent the morning cleaning up the dining room, re-filing things that we moved last weekend, and doing laundry for M's trip to Iowa. I'm hoping the rest of the day is pretty low-key, but I know that M wants to mulch the leaves in the backyard. Luckily, all of our backyard trees have now shed their leaves, so this should be the last time the mower has to come out this year. Of course, our neighbors' trees could decide to re-litter our yard and the trees out front are still holding on to some foliage.

Otis is wanting attention now...have to run.

Have a great weekend!!


feather nester said...

I bet it was a cat. Killed & ate the bird & left the beak behind, which Otis found. More comforting?

monkeymama said...

just wait a day or two to see if hr poops feathers...

die Frau said...

At least he didn't try to bury it in a corner of his cage like my mom's dog, Amos, did with a BABY BUNNY! Equally gross. And he was so proud you just had to sigh....