Nothing of note is happening here. It's officially that time of year where we can play outside in the morning and afternoon but not the middle of the day. It's too hot. So, we've been playing like mad in the mornings, and just taking it easy around lunch. The taking it easy led to her painting herself "like a bear" on Monday. She claimed that I couldn't give her a bath because, "Mommy, I'm a bear." I had to tell her that even mama bears have to give baby bears a bath if they are covered in paint.
And the hot weather led to her first ponytail yesterday. I nearly died from the cuteness overdose. Died. Here are some pics. Have a great Hump Day, peeps.
ponytail = awesome
too freakin' cute! you guys need to come visit. i swear she and R are soul mates.
Oh, that crazy thin paintbrush of a ponytail! Very sweet.
I gotta have more ponytail :)
Thanks for the smiles. TOOO CUUUUUTE!
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