Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Back in the saddle again

We're home. Exhausted and home. Traveling with little bit was more work than expected...especially since there was travel within travel involved. She was awesome, though. I know we were lucky. She slept through all four flights, and she snoozed through most of the car rides to and from Hamilton. She did, however, scream all the way to and from Niagara Falls. She was sleepy...it's not her fault.
As for the trip itself- it was great. The weather turned out to be pretty nice despite the storms earlier in the week. I think it even climbed to 70 on the wedding day although it was significantly cooler in the shade. Die Frau and her new hubby looked wonderful and crazy happy, which is something you always like to see at weddings. Pics are on Flickr.

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