So, the continued greening of the Ouiser family is forcing the continued de-greening of the Ouiser family's bank accounts. I realized last week that I buy organic milk but all our other dairy products were still just the conventional stuff. What's up with that? So, the only cheese I bought at the grocery store this week was organic string cheese for M and S. We've still got cheese here that has to be eaten before I can really start switching us over. Just so you know, I must be really committed to greening things up around here (hubby, too) because we are tight-wads. Seriously. I paid the extra money for the cheese, but I just couldn't bite the bullet this time and spring for the organic butter. Baby steps...I'm not ready for $5 butter. I felt pretty good about our little grocery trip, though, as our small town Kroger has expanded its crazy hippie section, so I can now buy our recycled toilet paper, 7th Generation baby wipes, and all of our cleaning products right here in town. No internet orders. No special trips to Nashville. Okay, that's not entirely true, I will still use Method floor cleaners, and I still have to get those from somewhere other than here. Maybe Lowe's will expand their Method selection beyond hand soaps. A green girl can dream, right?
Beyond that, it's been a busy week full of poop here. S has basically had major intestinal distress since I got home from New York. She spent most of the past week on the BRAT diet, and we let her have regular food yesterday, which led to the largest blowout to date. Poor kid woke up this morning soaked in poop. Not covered,
soaked. She had a very thorough bath at 7am. Now sweet L is sick, too, so I can't imagine there will be a lot of Ouier/Feathernester hanging out this weekend. Fingers crossed for poop and puke free weekends here in DC.
I'm out, peeps. I'm going to handwash some plastic containers because the Ouisers no longer put plastic in the dishwasher because I don't want to leech BPA into the water supply and cause genetic mutations in fish. I have to stop watching National Geographic shows. And, for the record, we're still trying to phase plastics out altogether to really eliminate the problem. In fact, I ordered Sigg bottles yesterday. I
love the one I got for myself. M's is also crazy awesome...though decidedly more conservative than mine. Ha.

Have a great weekend.
Sight: S's face when she finally climbed into the rocking chair on her own
Sound: new Jack Johnson
Smell: Burt's Bees baby lotion
Touch: S sleeping on my chest
Taste: cranberry oatmeal cookies I just made