Thursday, March 03, 2011

busy bees.

You all know I'm a planner. I love a plan. I love a list. So, today was different. I was planning an outing to Nashville tomorrow, but it's supposed to rain. Since I needed to go to four different places and thus move a four-year-old in and out of four different places, I decided on a whim (whoa!) to go today. S and I loaded ourselves into the car and headed east.

First stop: Michael's. I needed several things that would've required internet shopping and three different stops through town if I'd stayed in DC to shop. I love local and all, but that ain't happening. I was prepared to keep S away from the kids' crafts section. I didn't realize I really needed to blindfold her. We didn't even get in the door before she started oooh-ing and aaaah-ing. There were bins of fake flowers outside and in the entryway. She thought they were ravishing. Then as soon as we got in the doors, there were Easter eggs and bits and bobs for decorating said eggs. Then, wham! Easter cupcake supplies. And sparkly baskets. Then St. Patrick's Day cupcake supplies. Then ribbons. Then beads. Then sequins. Then wooden dolls. Then wooden birdhouses. Then paint. And brushes. And stickers. Then yarn. Embroidery thread. More paint. More stickers. More, more, more. I am amazed that I got out of there only buying her two $1 kits to make necklaces (one for her, one for Little Feather Nester).

Second stop: M's office. We went to Chick-fil-A for lunch, which doesn't sound all that exciting, but Cherry Coke is from heaven, as are fountain drinks, and you don't find Cherry Coke "on tap" everywhere.

Third stop: picking up some paperwork from the bank.

Fourth stop: back to M's office. Preggo bladder full of Cherry Coke. You know how it is, right? Plus, S needed to sing for the people in M's office and make him princess dance with her.

Fifth stop: Target to exchange S's shinguards for the ones that A recommended and to return the ginormous bathing suit I bought for the Cincy trip and never put on. Hello, forty bucks, it's nice to see you again...

Sixth stop: Toys R Us. You're getting this right. I took S to Michael's and Toys R Us in the same day. Oddly, she saw a Barbie story book that she wanted to look at when we walked into the toy store. I told her there wasn't a place to sit to read it but that she could look at it as we walked through the store. It kept her occupied for most of the time we were there. We only had two detours into Barbie/Princess land.

I think it's hysterical that my daughter was more enamored with Michael's than with the toy store, but I suppose the nut doesn't fall far from the tree.

Once we got home, we did a little glue batik project (more to come) and now it's dinner time. Sayonara, peeps. I'm wiped out.

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