Then came the plague. In the form of a 24 hour stomach bug. It hit me around 3am on Friday morning. Hubby had to come home from work and take care of baby girl. Yuck. Of course, since Otis ATE MY BREASTPUMP last weekend, I had no choice but to suck it up and feed the wee one. Luckily, she has stayed plague-free. I miraculously felt better Saturday morning, but was completely zapped of all energy and strength. Picking S up felt like picking up lead. I managed to get back into the swing of things, though, as M had tons of work to do around the house and at his daddy's that day. I thought we were home free (well, plague-free) after I'd Cloroxed everything in the house and no one had gotten sick as of Sunday afternoon. Alas, hubby was stricken down by the stomach-bug gods yesterday. He's still in bed. I've now re-disinfected everything in the house. I will continue disinfecting every couple of hours until I think we're safe. Then one of us will get sick again.
For now, I'm just trying to keep baby girl well. She's been spitting up and pooping more than usual, and she's fussier than normal, so I'm hoping she doesn't come down with anything. Then again, I could be overly paranoid. Or she could be getting teeth. Who knows.
I'm also trying hard not to kick Otis out of the house. I've just about had it with him. I think we're going to try to send him to a trainer again, though I realize that we have to live up to our part of the bargain and actually work with him. I just know that there is going to be a very handsome, very homeless silver labradoodle running around soon if something doesn't give. Between eating the breastpump, constantly eating S's burp cloths, trying to steal S's toys out of her hands, and trying to "special hug" everyone, I'm at my wit's end. Not to mention the barking at every animal that comes into his sight line. I love my dog. I just have to keep reminding myself of that.
Okay, little bit is napping. I'm going to attempt to get some things accomplished around here. Later, peeps.
Oh, here's a completely pointless naked baby pic. Happy Tuesday.
Oh my gosh!! You poor thing! I'm so sorry life has been so hard lately. Sending you good, healthy, thoughts from several states away :)
I'm worried about my fur baby once the human counterpart is here, too. I wonder if some of those behavior problems are attention-based...but even if they are, not sure what you can do. I wish you guys had the doggie day care option available. Have you looked into any private businesses? People who might do that in the home? We looked at some in Tucson before settling on Petsmart. Good luck and feel better!
Sorry too! Hope things have calmed down in the sick baby-annoying doggie department. And I love the pic--very Botticelli (I think).
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