Monday, February 13, 2012

oopsy daisy.

I've been fussed at lately. For not blogging. I just haven't really had much to say, and I've been using all my available spare time to read the entertainingly not great Game of Thrones series of books. The books? I started with the first one (obviously) after Mellie Mellie picked up a used copy during Granddaddy's hospital sojourn. She told me it was entertaining. It was okay. Then, once I'd gotten into it a bit, I had to watch the entire first season of the HBO series. That hooked me. I'm now reading the fourth book in the series, and these books are looooonnnnngggg. So, lots of spare time that might've been spent blogging has been spent reading questionable literature.

Anyway, the only other thing of interest around here is that I've actually been cooking some new things, so that's what we're going to talk about today. If you shoot over to my Life List, you'll see at the bottom that I want to try 1000 new recipes. I made that goal in October, I think. I've been keeping a list of all the new recipes I've tried since then.

These have been my favorites.
Tonight, we'll be trying Pork and Carrot Curry. I've got the pork marinating already, and it smells divine. I will say that M wasn't the hugest fan of the buttermilk chicken, but S, T, and I loved it. Also, S refused to eat the Vietnamese Noodles, but I think that's mostly because she's a brat. I liked them much. The Ginger-Lime flavor combo was tasty, and it was very unlike what we normally eat during the week.

There have been a couple of epic failures on this 1000 recipe quest. Crockpot Cranberry Chicken and Caramelized Onion Quiche come to mind. Lots of other things were just so-so, leading me to ditch the recipes forevermore.

There you have it, folks. A blog post. And, for the record, I've tried 24 total new recipes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love pulled pork I will have to that the cranberry receipt sarah sent me? I make it all the time in crock pot. Used frozen cranberrys . Hope all is well . I agree with your hubby. I really enjoy reading about all of your daily lives. Good way to feel a tiny bite connected, thanks from me. Al reading all your blogs brings back memories of my early days as a mom, funny stories and pull your hair out days and kids at age 5 going on 55 :)