Friday, May 04, 2012


Yesterday evening, as M put T to bed, S and I built a couple of new fairy houses.  They are awesome, but that's not the point.  The point is that when I went to cross the item off of our Spring To-Do list, I realized that the only item left on the list involves her preschool graduation, and for the love of Pete, can someone stop time for a minute so I can catch my breath from all the growing up that's happening around here?  

S taught herself to snap.  She's literally been trying to snap for years.  Suddenly, her teeth are falling out and she can snap and I feel like she's going to need a bra or something the next time I turn around. I suppose I'm not that weirded out by the fact that she'll need a bra someday, but when Thad comes to me and tells me he needs a jock strap I will fall over dead. 

I'd like donations to be sent to a charity in lieu of flowers when that happens.  Just so you know.


Melissa said...

I'm dealing with the bra issue now and it isn't easy! Can't believe the time has come. Need to talk about periods too. UUGGGG! She just my little baby girl, right?

Strongmama said...

j takes taekwondo and just moved up to a level where they need to where a "groin guard." That's what he called it when he told me he got it with his other equipment. Then he told me his teacher said, "If it's too big, let me know and we can exchange it." He told me this with such seriousness, I nearly burst out laughing. I promise you, it won't be as traumatic as you think. Well, I can't say that for preschool graduation, but trust me on the jock strap.