Wednesday, February 13, 2008

it's almost over

I put S to bed tonight without nursing her. She cried for a minute, but then she settled down and went to sleep. As we sat in her chair reading books, I was more than a little sad. I had originally planned to wait until tomorrow night to do this because M is out of town, and I thought this might go easier if he put her to bed for the first few nights. I changed my mind, though. She had skipped her afternoon nap and was seriously tired, so I knew she was really ready to go to sleep.

Tonight. Tomorrow night. It really doesn't matter anyway. Now I'm trying to decide if I'll nurse her in the morning or not. In all honesty, I'm not sure how well nursing once a day, when she wakes up, would even go. I have no idea what would happen to the milk supply, and that's never been an issue I've even remotely had to think about. We'll just have to wait and see. This has happened to fast. I had expected weaning to take a month and a half. It's been three weeks, and I'm all but done. My baby is so not a baby anymore.

Anyway, on to more hysterical S news. After she'd played in her crib for an hour and a half this afternoon, I decided to go get her. She didn't hear me coming up the stairs and she didn't hear me open the door, which provided me with the rare opportunity to just watch her. She was lying on her side with all of her "crib animals" (frog, bear, two ducks, and a pink elephant) and her blanket on top of her, and she was taking her book (because she always lays down for naps with a book) and putting it on top of her head. Then taking it off and looking at it. Then placing it back onto her head. Over and over and over again. I think she was trying to absorb the lessons from What is Love, Biscuit? through osmosis. She finally noticed me when I couldn't contain my laughter. It was great.

Okay, I'm off to make a cup of tea and chill out with the latest Parents magazine. It's another exciting evening at the P household.

1 comment:

Strongmama said...

I'm glad the weaning is going well for you, but I know how it's making you feel. If it's any consolation, weaning made me feel that my baby wouldn't need me as much anymore and I've found that he still needs me just as much, but it's in different ways. I like your new banner!